Deetech Cable Network
Quickly connecting you back to the world
Alka Vishwadarshan
Amrita Cable Network
Aryan Cable Network
Asianet Digital
Deetech Cable Network
Golden Cable Network
GTPL Hathway Limited
Hathway Digital Cable TV
Intermedia Cable Communication Pvt Ltd
New Airnet Cable
Poochakal Cable Vision
Sangli Media communication
Satellite Cable Communication
St Sebastian Cable Network
Star Samir Cable Network
TCN Digital
UCN Cable
VDV Digital
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any further questions please contact us
How can users make cable bill payments on payRup?
On the payRup website, go to the "More" option in the menu. And select "Cable". Choose your ‘Operator’, enter the customer details, and enter the bill amount to generate the bill. Proceed with the payment and complete it by choosing the desired payment mode.
For which cable operators can the bill payment be done on payRup?
Monthly cable TV bills can be cleared online via payRup for many different cable operators, like Hathway, Asianet Digital, etc.
What is the refund policy for payments?
Please read our refund policy section to understand what and how to get a refund.